Releasing Past Hurts:  
Inner Healing Through Christian Forgiveness

FREE Bible Study Online Class

But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!
In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.
-Matt 5:44-45 NIV

Christian Forgiveness Course Overview:

They say that time heals all wounds, but are there wounds from your past that just haven't quite gone away? When you hear God's command to love your enemies, do you secretly wonder if some things are really just unforgivable?

If you want to let go of your past hurts, but just can't seem to break free from the pain, it may be because of hidden unforgiveness that you don't even realize is still there.

In this course, you'll discover the true price of unforgiveness, and 
Christian Forgiveness Bible Study WebClass

exactly how to forgive the unforgivable. Discover practical steps that you can take to release those who have hurt you in the past and, in turn, release yourself from the pain they caused.

Now available for FREE on YOUTUBE!!

"Yes I've been hurt so much by people... At one point I was ready to just give up. But, Thanks to God for your Bible classes!"

Lesson 1: Taking Old Wounds To The Lord

Do you have problems trusting people? Are you always waiting for the other shoe to drop, expecting something bad to happen?
Find out how your past may still be controlling your present...

Lesson 2: The Price of Unforgiveness
Many Christians struggle to forgive others, but at what cost? Learn about the price that we all pay when we don't forgive those who have hurt us, and decide for yourself if you are really willing to pay it...

Lesson 3: Are Some Things Just Unforgivable?
The world says that some things are just unforgivable. Our flesh tells us that forgiveness will be like saying what they did was OK. Don't drink the poison! Who's really being hurt by your unforgiveness...

Lesson 4: The Key To True Forgiveness
We've established in our hearts the need to forgive, but how do we do it? Where do we start? Discover God's key to truly forgiving the unforgivable...

Lesson 5: Unveiling Your True Enemy
When people hurt us, who's really to blame? Find out the truth Ameerah learned that finally set her free from the pains of a past of sexual abuse...

Ameerah's Healing Journey to Christian Forgiveness:

Ameerah Lewis, Instructor o Fruit of the Holy Spirit Webclass
Ameerah Lewis is the founder of The Hem of His garment Bible Studies, an author and a respected Bible teacher. But, even more than that, she is a devout student of God's Word and His Holy Spirit.

A sexual abuse survivor, she is stranger to the pain of open wounds from the past.  After years of living with the shame and pain of the abuse, the pain and shame turned to anger, and the anger grew into resentment.

She thought that she had "dealt" with her past and that she was "over it," but God began to show her how the silent anger and distrust was bleeding over into her other relationships.  God didn't just want her to bury her pain deep inside - He wanted to heal it.  But, the only way for for to receive true inner healing was for her to do something she thought was impossible - Forgive her abuser.  And, not just forgive him, but learn to love and pray for him.

Join Ameerah on this journey of inner healing through true Christian forgiveness.  She will share the Biblical truths that God revealed throughout her own journey, and the part that we all play in our own restoration. Plus, you will learn, step by step, how to forgive the unforgivable. 

Have a question? Contact Ameerah Directly

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