Ameerah's Online Christian Business Testimony:
God's Odd Answer to Prayer...

If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures. ~Job 36:11

Since I've started this webministry, I've received so many emails from other Christians asking me, "Ameerah, how did you do it?"  They've thought about starting their own online Christian business, but they just don't know where to start.  Many want to step out on an idea  they believe God has given them, but the fear of the unknown stops them in their tracks...

So, today, I want to replace that fear with faith.  How?  Through sharing my story of how God birthed The Hem Bible Studies when I had no web knowledge, no money and no clue!  

About a year ago, things weren't looking too good...

Ameerah and Her Husband Emanuel: Christian Home Based Business OwnersDue to an all out battle for my health, I had lost yet another job, and my husband and I were once again down to one income.  Though we wanted to start a family and bring me home from work, my medical bills had prohibited us from saving any money to even begin heading in that direction.  

So, not only were we minus an income, but the medical bills and other bills were still coming in full force, and our hopes of saving to start our family were crumbling fast...

Many of us have reached moments in our lives like this, right.  Our minds begin to wonder, "what about all of those prosperity scriptures?"  We ask ourselves, "We pay our tithes...why is this happening to us?"

But, my husband and I held on to the belief that God must somehow have a plan.  A way for us to not just survive, but thrive even in the midst of what looked like a hopeless situation.  So, we began seeking God in prayer.  

Well, one day while watching TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) on the computer (we didn't have a TV at the time), one of the ministers mentioned doing a Daniel Fast to open the door for physical healing.  Instantly, I could feel God speaking to me about starting this fast right away.  I knew nothing at all about where to start, so I hurried over to the Internet to do some research.

As I was reading and preparing to submit to God through this Daniel Fast, I noticed that the site I had found had a small link at the bottom.  The link read, "Powered by SITE BUILD IT!

Little did I know....While I thought God was only going to use this fast to heal my body, He had another plan.  He had brought me to this page to start me on a completely different journey.  One that would answer our financial prayer in a way we didn't quite expect...

And The Journey Begins...

Well, if we rewind just a bit...Leading up to this moment, I felt on my heart that God was going to bless us with extra money through me doing some work online.  So I had been sending out writing samples to various websites, but with no real success.  I had even tried creating a small blog, but it wasn't getting any traffic at all.  

As time passed, I began to wonder, 'Am I really supposed to do something online?  Maybe it was just all in my head and God wasn't guiding me at all?'

That's about when, through following God's direction to start this special fast, I happened upon a Christian website with this small link, "Powered By SITE BUILD IT!"  I thought to myself, 'Well, it's a Christian site...I guess I can trust the link,' so I clicked it!

With that one click, our lives quickly changed.  I spent weeks pouring over the information and praying for God's direction.  It took me so long because I was so skeptical. I thought...
And on and on...

You know, whenever we go to step out on faith, it's amazing how that little "voice" just starts jabbering on and on about why we won't be successful!  

But, the more I learned about this Site Build It! thing, the more my faith grew.  I started really believing that God was directing my steps towards SBI! - They could take care of all of those technical details so that I could focus on what was important - helping peopleBible study online smiley

Even though I was still fighting off my fear and skepticism, a testimony I found truly inspired me...

Let's Fast Forward...

You too can start an online Christian business Skip ahead just one year, and The Hem Bible Studies is in the top 1% of ALL websites online - Not just Christian sites, but the top 1% of all websites PERIOD.

Out of 100,000,000+ Sites

Why has The Hem been so successful while most Christian websites aren't?

Because Site Build It (SBI!) removes all of the technical barriers that stand in the way of most online Christian businesses truly being successful.  It lets me keep my attention where it belongs - On ministering to God's people! 

While most Christian sites get very little traffic, The Hem receives over 1,000 visits every single day, and I don't even have to pay for advertising.  SBI! has built-in tools that help you get the attention of Search Engines like Google and Yahoo.  That way, you don't have to be some kind of Internet Marketing guru, and you can still draw people to your site to hear God's Word.  

Much of the "techie stuff" is handled automatically, so you can focus on what God has given you to do.

For instance, you don't have to guess about what topics to cover on your site.  The brainstorming tool tells you what problems people across the world are searching for answers to.  Once you know their questions, you can create pages that truly minister to their needs and that will rank highly with the search engines at the same time!  

All of SBI!'s built-in tools gave me the support that I needed to step out on faith and start a successful online Christian business.  Our website opened up another door for God to use to pour out financial blessings on our family - Praise God!

 For us, having our own home based business means that, when we start our family in just a few months, I won't have to go back to work!  I can serve God's people while being the stay-at-home-mom that I've always dreamed of...   


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