Christian Anxiety and Depression c2-head***

Christian Anxiety and Depression

I seem to be suffering from anxiety and depression. I did give my life to the Lord, but have strayed. I was on medication but I didn't like how it made me feel. So, I started working out, which I was told was good for anxiety and depression and I stopped using the medication.

I'm not as depressed as I was before, I have God, and my Family to thank for that. But, I still have anxiety. I still attend Church though not as much as I used to. But I am here because I want to serve my God! Thank You.

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Dear Fran ( and all) NEW
by: janine

Dear Fran , (and all reading ) many thanks for writing on here..I can understand and relate with how you have been feeling and experiencing life, due to how my life and circumstances have seemed the last few years especially.

I am going to write more asap. for now I would like to say thanks, know you are never alone in anything and I find listening to praise as much as possible, singing when able too, and healing scriptures - online, any how - to listen and meditate on..I believe in healing and miracles and that He can heal and deliver gradually if that is what He knows is needed for no shock etc!He is always good and He never changes.. he healed always and still does...Love in Christ and prayers and look forward to write again asap:):)

Try this! NEW
by: Randy

Yes, I suffer from anxiety and depression also and while I'm in it I feel lost and just terrible with fear! I won't take medicine because its a drug and drugs for long term cause more inbalance in the body but I do take a natural substance called L-Tyrosine and also 5htp to help me sleep. I don't know if L-Tyrosine will help you. I still have anxiety and depression but maybe not as bad. I believe it is Satan trying to get me to turn away from God but I just read the promises and I get relief in that way. I write them down on littl cards and carry them with me. A lady at my church told me to say "Thank You Lord for that promise, its for me, You love me, you are helping my trust to grow, You are helping my faith to grow after every promise. I did this for awhile and then I added something to it I added in I believe it also after every promise that I read. Pick out the best promises you can find and write them down together and when you need them read them and then say "Thank You Lord for that promise, I believe it, its for me,You love me, You are helping my trust to grow, You are helping my faith to grow. You really should surrender your life to God and learn to love Him. You will for sure have a better life and be happy with more peace, and when He comes back you can go with Him. Only people in a relationship will go to heaven to live for eternity. We must become like Jesus through prayer and Bible study and talking to others about God. I hope this helps you! Randy . . . . Good bye!

Christians with anxiety and depression
by: Fran

I feel for you personally. I was diagnosed Bi-Polar in 1984, in later years Anxiety Disorder, uncontrollable fear and finally, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, after my father died. I ended up having an emotional or nervous breakdown. I've never really been the same since, but the Lord is seeing me through day by day. Some days or weeks I backslid and wonder if I was really ever saved at all, or if I was sincere. I came to Christ at age 19, and I just turned 60 in March.

I know in my heart that I did receive the Lord, that He did die for my sins and forgive me of them all. Also I know He filled my with the Holy Spirit and I was truly born again. But when these fears, anxiety and depression come on me, I panic. I question everything I've ever believed.

My personal feeling is that the Enemy is just waging war against me and trying to get me to give up.

My 7 yr old Granddaughter recently prayed to receive Jesus as her savior. There has been an overnight change in her that is so amazing and so beautiful. She starts singing songs about God that she has never heard. She just makes them up and they pour out of her mouth, especially when she 1st wakes in the morning. I think Satan my want to rob me of the joy of seeing this change in her so he torments me with depression.

At times I feel scared and desperate, and fear that I'll lose my Salvation since I'm obviously not living for the Lord now, and the doubting Him too. I'm just trying to submit myself to God every moring I wake up and hope that He'll take care of the rest.

Does anyone have any words of advice, or encouragement for me? Anyone going through or already made it through this kind of emotional turmoil? Please, please if you have, share with me. Even if you haven't just to hear from someone would mean so much to me. And please I beg you to pray for me now. I'm feeling desperate,alone, and to talk to non-Christians just isn't the same. Thay can not possibly understand what I feel.


P.S. I do love this Bible study site though its my first time on. It seems to reach out to people who are not mainstream, on track Christians now for one reason or another. And God knows we are not perfect, and that we all struggle in one way or another.

Thanks again so much

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