Depressed Stay At Home Mom c2-head***

Depressed Stay At Home Mom

by christa

I don't know where it came from, like a thief in the night. And it's has been months.

I'm a stay at home mom of three and sometimes I feel like I have no purpose. I just clean house, take care of kids(when they are not in school) and my husband. And we are barely making it. My husband says that we would not be any better if i worked, but I feel so useless.

I tried volunteering at my church, but they only need me from time to time.

I just feel useless.

I have prayed to God asking for his will for me, and received no answer. Nothing!

So I understand about not feeling like your worth anything and feeling helpless. I am there.

My husband just doesn't understand why I just can't "get over it". It's just nice to know that I'm not the only one.

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by: James McKenzie

Christa, the walk of all Christions is one that will have many trials. These trials help to test and strengthen us so that we can grow in our faith and to empower us to fufill His will in our life.

Know that even on the darkest of days you are note alone as he Stands by your side holding you up.

He knows your most inner thoughts, he knows every fiber of your being as he chose you before time began to be his own.

He will never forsake you, he waits paitenetly for us to reach out to him to learn his Truth.

The one that would try to turn us from our Lord does so in many many ways, he introduces doubtful thoughts, thoughts that make us doubt our self worth or ability to follow Gods instructions. He can and will attack our bodies as well.

Rejoice that you have been chosen to suffer in his name. Seek God, counter every negative thought with a prayer of praise and thanks, and when it seems you just can't go on another moment ask Him for His strength to carry own.

Seek him with every thought, read his Word when you have time to rest, surround yourself with worship, even if you do not know what to sing find Gospel music that you can play in your home that inspires not just your mind, but your body and soul as well.

Study Paul's writings on how we are to live our lives and above all remember, all things from God are based in Love, His eternal perfect Love.

Any actions or thoughts that are contrary to his Love will not guide you in the right direction.

Do not seek answers for what you should do or be from man, but seek the only one who can give you the Truth, our Lord Jesus Christ for he is the Truth the way and the Life.

He will teach you, he will inspire you and he will guide you.

Give your cares to him, give your very life and you will be rewarded with contentment and peace that can only come from serving one as perfect and worthy of our service and praise, our Lord Jesus Christ.


Depressed Stay At Home Mom
by: Pat

Hello Christa
I can truly understand where you're coming from and I say don't be so hard on yourself,a Mom that stay's home to raise their family is some thing very rare indeed. You are doing a marvels job #1 just being able to stay home,but those depression days are sure hard to deal with and do stay in God's word it's important, if necessary do seek out a good Christian Therapist and there are some good lessons offered here by Denise Mitch. I will keep you in by prayers,for I was in a terrible place with depression in 1975 but God brought me through all those lonely hurting places to wonderful peace and He will do it for you Christa. God does hear your prayers even if it seems like He doesn't and just keep on trusting God,you will look back on the days you're going through and rejoice even more as to where He brought you from.
Love in Christ Pat Thacker 1-26-09 p.s. Do stay in God's word as much as you can Love you Christa

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