Feeling stagnant c2-head***

Feeling stagnant

I've been saved for three years now, and I use to feel the holy spirit alive in me everywhere I've even had several miraculous things happen....the only thing is that when God saved me I was "shacking" with someone for years. I got confirmation from God that I needed to separate myself....it took me a while but I recently did it. I admit that I did fall a couple of times during which I was trying to separate myself, now I do not feel God the way I use to and I can also sense a difference in things.....I fell as though the spirit man has become weaker in me where it once was very strong and it is scary to me. I've heard it said that when you allow the enemy to enter he brings 7 more demons with him. I just don't feel as close to God as I once felt and I sometimes think its because I did not separate myself right away like God was showing me too, which made it easy for me to fall....And now I feel as though a separation has occurred.... I did repent and ask for forgiveness....but like I said NOW I feel my mind drifting off on things that are inappropriate, whereas before I would feel completely unclean for certain things to enter my mind and I would immediately NOTICE it....idk maybe I should go on a fast. Does anyone know what I mean?

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