Forgiveness c2-head***


I have a father-in-law whom believes in Jesus, he prays everyday and is a real great man. He has a problem believing he is saved and is forgiven....what is some advice you can give me to help him better understand he is forgiven? He sits and cries and asks and asks God to forgive him...I personally know He has but I can only tell him so much. I have quoted scriptures to him and explained once you've asked and believe in your heart then you are forgiven. I have run out of words and am seeking some advice please.

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by: Mary Jean

Dear friend in Christ, I have read about your father in law and his problem. I thought about his problem and came to the realization that your father in law can not seem to forgive himself of the sin he has done in his past and can not seem to receive the gift of forgiveness from our Savior. When Jesus went to the cross he knew what he was doing for our sins. Only He could pay that price and if He did not willing go to the cross we would never have the gift of salvation. When Father God raised Jesus from the dead that proved that Jesus's sacrifice was approved and we became sealed in His blood. We now are the Body of Christ fully forgiven and now have become the Bride of Christ. So with all that, tell your father in law he is forgiven and now do not sadden Jesus by not forgiving himself and to go on serving Him while we are on this earth until one day we see Him face to face. Glory

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