His will in my life. c2-head***

His will in my life.

by Tammy

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My name is Tammy, I have been married for 14 yrs. I was saved as a young child and lived it whole heartedly until I met my husband. He is a wonderful man but wasn't in church and so...as I had always heard I got pulled out rather than pulling him in...but Praise God last year he rededicated his life to the Lord and we have been active in our church and trying to live the was God wants us to sense..I lost my mother who was 50 April was a year ago and then my grandmother this past Feb. Losing them both within a year of each other was very trying for me..on one hand I knew they were with the Lord and that they were fine but I found it hard to go on, and on most days still do. I pray alot and he does comfort me, and I know I wouldn't have made it throught without him. I found myself seeking heaven to see my mom who I know is there rather than seeking the Lord. I prayed and prayed and have made my peace with him and losing them..so now I want to continue getting closer to him and learning more about what he wants in my life. I feel like there is something that he has put me on this earth for and I just want to figure out what that something is while seeking him and his will daily.

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How do I find his will for my life...

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