I would like your permission c2-head***

I would like your permission

by Stan Marshall
(Cypress, Texas)



Ameerah, I would like your permission to quote (in part but in context) your writings in regard to : Christian Joy: Bible Study Notebook Entry #1,2 &3. I am writing a book that I call “In Search of the Oil of Joy”. It will cover my own journey from a joyless pew-warmer to a joyful participant in God’s plan for touching lives and reaching souls for Christ.

I would like to quote you and give you full credit for your writing because your words were dead on and I could never improve on your words or explain the points you make them as well.

As for me, I was born into a loving Christian family and attended church services most of my life. I was saved at seven and although, as a child, my parents took me to church faithfully. If the church doors were open we were there.

My adult life has been one of spiritual ups and downs. I endured some excruciatingly painful events, the death of my mother when I was a teenager, one daughter’s addiction to drugs and another’s kidney failure and the untimely deaths of three of my closest friends.

I am on Social Security disability because of incompatible chronic back pain, severe arthritis and a damaged tendon in my knee. I say this, not to invoke sympathy but to help show some of the things that I allowed to steal my joy.

Even through all the sadness and physical challenges, I had many reasons to be joyful. I had a loving, caring and supportive wife. My children loved me and wanted to be around me. My wife had a good job so we did no struggle financially, my house was paid off and I was fortunate enough to be born in what I believe to be the most blessed country in the world. With all these reasons for joy, I had none.

In my weak faith, I still remembered something I had heard in church, dozens of times. “…faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” That touched my spirit and I began to search God’s word, not really knowing how it would help, but in my spirit, I knew the answer would be there in God’s word.

My transformation was not instantaneous nor do I now live in a perpetual state of blissful joy but I do walk daily with that oil of joy covering me and assuring me of the blessed hope that is mine through Christ Jesus.

Comments for I would like your permission

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by: Ameerah

Thank you so much for contacting me first before using the information.

As long as you give a complete reference back to the website and keep the quotes in context (meaning you don't alter their meaning or intent by the way that you quote them) feel free.

God Bless!
Ameerah Lewis

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