Letting God Take the Lead c2-head***

Letting God Take the Lead

by JLC

I can tend to doubt in God's healing, because He isn't doing it in 'my' time. I get frustrated, I want a quick fix, and it just doesn't happen.

I do, from personal experience, know what saved means. I wouldn't be here today if I didn't have my collision with the cross in 2005. Thanks to Jesus, and the grace of God, my life has turned around. Now, in the midst of chronic adrenal fatigue, I am in dire need of learning patience, putting more faith (ALL of my faith) in the Lord, and not relying on any part of me!!!! Sometimes, I just think He's too busy, or not going as fast as I like, and I start to take over. This is where I need the Lord, I want Him to take the lead, which He will, I just need to let Him.

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RE: Letting God Take the Lead NEW
by: Anonymous

I need healing for so many things but I think God its going to do it in his own way and its going to require a lot of patience. I trust God and that he will heal me just that it will be in his time.

Gods Time
by: LaBrenda

God's Time is not our time he is already working it out for you.But, your eyes and ears can't see because its in the spiritual realm. Patience is what you need to work on but, his timing will be the right time. So let GOD work it out if you have truly given it to him leave it with him and faith as small as a mustard seed will pull you through, with God in the lead.

Growing In Christ Jesus Our LORD
by: The Preacher

I read your statement and have been in the same area before, not from physical illness, but from having to learn patience. You stated that you received Christ's blood and forgiveness in 2005,and that is wonderful. At that time you had a renewal of mind also by the power of the Holy Spirit(Ghost), and became, as Jesus told Nicodemus, born again. Now being born again spiritually, is somewhat like being born physically; you have become a babe in Christ, just like you were a baby at birth. A baby does not immediately start walking or talking or eating things that adults do; they must first start out on the milk, and as they grow older, then the meat and vegetables. Patience and ENDURING is not something that comes naturally, but rather it has to be learned. This is why the scriptures tell us "Blessed is he who WAITETH upon the LORD". Always remember, that just as your earthly father(parent) held your hand when you were beginning to walk, our heavenly FATHER also holds our hand as we grow in Christ Jesus our LORD. KEEP THE FAITH!! Grace< Peace and Love to you form the LORD Jesus, and GOD the FATHER, Amen.

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