My answer is...(Beatitudes) c2-head***

My answer is...(Beatitudes)

by Ruth
(South Bend, IN)

1. Do you consider yourself to be a mature Christian? Why or why not?

No I do not consider myself to be a mature Christian. I have been a "Christian" almost all of my life. My relationship with God though is more of an on-again off-again thing. I take advantage of the fact that He is always there. I am trying to become more disciplined in my relationship with Him.

2. If you had to define the terms meekness and humility in your own words, how would you describe them? What is your honest gut reaction when you hear each of these words?

Meekness is NOT weakness. Meekness is knowing when to be silent, when to let others lead, when to let people fail, and when to build them back up. Meekness is being aware of yourself and knowing what God created you to do and what He wants you to do in order to grow. Humility stems from being aware of yourself, understanding that we are flawed human-beings. I am not perfect and I doubt I ever will be, but that does not stop me from striving to live perfectly as God would want. Humility is accepting your faults and learning from them, while not wallowing in them. My gut reaction, I think, is generally positive; because, Jesus was meek and humble. Obviously then, they are qualities to strive for.

3. Do you think the Beatitudes are still relevant for the world we live in today? Why or why not?

They are definitely still relevant. The world has created so many misconceptions of the characteristics in the beatitudes that we need to correct. It is the world that tells us that the Beatitudes are not relevant. Jesus demonstrated each of the characteristics and then tells us that, by doing the same, our lives will be blessed. I can't pass that up!

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