Poverty, learning difficulties and the importance of patience. c2-head***

Poverty, learning difficulties and the importance of patience.

by C.R

Greetings all,

When I sought the Lord's help, found the right prayeR, believed He could help, acted more selflessly and read His word more, a huge door opened up for me that has taken me out of relative poverty and potential severe mental illness in the UK.

I prayed that any demons (such as generational demons), blocking me from reaching my potential would be released, and the blessing happened when I was reading Isaiah. I also asked God to help me through my learning difficulties so to prevent it interfering with my quality of life. I don't ask for much, just that I would be able to comfortably be able to afford the basics i.e. food, clothers, shelter and transport.

I am in my late twenties, and have lived on the minimum wage having struggled to secure a good job. My learning difficulties have served to limit what I can do in practice, even though I have a proven capability of academic achievement. Difficulties in putting theory into practice is a part of my learning difficulty, and I always knew that it would hinder me when it comes to employment.

By the grace of God, I came across a position that was feasable for me to do in a law firm. Having spoke to the recruitment consultant in more detail about the role, it came to my attention that it was one of the top 5 biggest law firms in the world, and if I was successful it would change my life forever and ease my fears about going homeless and struggling to afford food after rent without financial assistance from family and governement.

My interview was a success, and from that point my life was given a new begninning when I was struggling mentally to cope with my situation. I even at one point found myself walking in a grave yard crying out loud and feeling envious at all the bodies at rest, because my life felt so painful that I thought death would be the only peace.

I have learnt that patience with the Lord is important, because what we think might be impossible for us, might be possible in His eyes. God gave me a breakthrough even though I have felt I was not worthy for a long time due to past mistakes. I am greatful for his mercy on me.

Through our Lord, I am enroute to becoming self sufficient, with my learning difficulties becoming less of a hindrence to that aim.

Trust in the Lord of all Lords - He deserves all the glory, provides the bread, mental peace and comfort we long for.

I hope I have helped anybody reading this going through a similar situation.

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