what would a friend tell me about God? c2-head***

what would a friend tell me about God?

by judi
(san marcos)

They would tell me that God will never turn from you and he will always be standing at the door waiting for me to invite him in.

I use to think God was my friend, in fact I saw him as my father, not just father in heaven but MY father. Unfortunately, I believed it when I was told he would never love me or forgive me. I thought I had lost my best friend. I want to make him my friend and father again.

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Jun 19, 2008
What Would A Friend Tell Me About God??
by: PAT

Hello Judi
I really want to help you but I am having a bit of a problem.Are you saying that you know God as your Father and you are now having doubts if he truly is,I think that is what you're saying?If so you can be absolutely positive that God has not walked away from you because he does not lie he said he would "NEVER LEAVE OR FORGET" YOU!God thinks about you more than the sand around the sea shore(let that sink in)that means He is thinking about you right now and every moment of the day"That Is Mind Blowing" to me for our Holy,Awesome,Almighty God to think about us all the time.His love for you does "NOT CHANGE" no matter whats going on in your life"NOTHING-NOT ONE THING" can change or stop God's love for you Judi.When you pray be real with God let Him know just how you feel lay it all out God can handle any and everything we feel and go through nothing "SURPRISES" God!! He made us and he know us very well and yet His Love for us "NEVER" changes.And the sinful habits that you have and maybe in or doing He knew about when He called you and He has a plan for you to get free,just keep believing and don't give up.I "CANNOT" stress enough how "Very Important" it is to Stay in the Word we are living in difficult times and the "ONLY SURE FOUNDATION" is the Holy Unchanging Word Of God~~STAY IN GOD'S WORD AND PLEASE GET AN ENGLISH VERSION.Judi I hope this will help you very much.

Love In Christ Pat Thacker

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