where i work c2-head***

where i work

by jill

I am a single mother and live in a very small town. I needed to find work and found a job bartending in town. My ex-husband tells our daughter that the root of all of her problems is due to my job. He is an ex drug addict and had an affair that ended our marriage. Since he has been saved he has been preaching to our daughter that I need to go to church and stop living in sin and stop working in a bar. What do I do?

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by: Anonymous

If you know where your faith stands and can help your daughter to understand that working in a bar does not change your values or whether or not God loves you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, especially since you are doing what you have to do to provide for your family.

I'm not going to pretend that I have never judged someone because I'm human, I'm flawed, and I most certainly have. Don't worry, I'm not saying that I'm judging you:) I just firmly believe that it's not up to us as humans to determine the type of Christian or person someone is. Tell your daughter that her dad should leave defining who you are to God. It's not up to your ex-husband, your daughter, or us to determine the type of person you are. It's up to god.

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