Who should I marry? c2-head***

Who should I marry?


I am a 35 year old Christian virgin currently deployed to Kuwait. I have a 28 year old girlfriend at home who wants to marry me, however I am almost entirley not interested in her in that way. I need a friend, I need someone to help me take care of my dog and place while I am involuntary deployed. I told her this and this was the original intent and deal when I asked her if she would like to rent my place while I am deployed. She now is in love with me and I am not in love with her. I love her as a friend and don't see myself specifically marrying her. I may consider marriage in the future, but, I would like to be in love with the person I marry, be strongly physically attracted to her or at least have strong romantic feelings for her. She is not a virgin and it is an incredibly huge turn off. I feel pressured to have sex with her as she brings it up, especially when I came back on leave. I told her when I first met her that I am looking for a virgin to marry and have never been able to work out a romantic relationship with nonvirgins inspite of trying multiple times. I am always pressured into having sex or having that held against me, while feeling that I have been cheated out of something God created for me to be passionately attracted to. I am not physically attracted to her as we not only have differences in our sexual views, but, plain and simple, I am not attracted to her physical attributes. She is clinically obese and I find that unattractive. Perhaps that is shallow, but, is physical attraction part of God's gift of sexuality or should I marry in spite of being unattracted to her?

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by: Anonymous

No, you should not marry her; and you should let her know as soon as possible. Make arrangements for your dog, and give her her freedom to find someone who will love her, and who will find her attractive, and can give her all of the things that you can not.

In your own time, you may find the person you are to be with; but you can't use her, and string-her along because it suits you that she's taking care of your back-home needs.

Let her have her freedom. The man SHE is supposed to be with might be right around the corner, and while she's being faithful to you, she may miss a wonderful opportunity.

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