A closer walk with God c2-head***

A closer walk with God

(Texas, USA)

I have to change my thought process and be transformed by the renewing of my mind by the Word of God. I remember my Grandmother use to say, "If you put garbage in, garbage will come out". So I have to be cautious of what I take in daily and pray that God filters things that are not of Him. In the past, I have struggled to have a consistent prayer life with God for the fear that He was disappointed in me or that I would run out of things to say. I also realize during prayer time I won't do all the talking, but I have to be prepared to listen and obey. Obedience is also a struggle for me. Sometimes I question am I really hearing His voice. Bottom line, I want to be consistent in my dedication and communication with God both privately in my home and publicly in my church and community. I know that no one is perfect, but I believe as we walk closer with God, the more we begin to resemble Him. I believe that forcing myself to get out of bed and pray in the wee hours of the morning when I feel Him tugging on my heart is going to help me make this change. I'll have to also study His word and take a personal inventory of my life of things that displease Him daily. Another practice that will help, is going to Him first with any concerns or issues that plague my mind. I'm guilty of going to friends, this person and that person, before consulting Him. I also need to continue to praise Him, in His sanctuary and where ever I go. I must be an active participant in giving Him praise. I don't want anyone else to outdo me in giving my Heavenly Father praise! Lastly, I know that the more I walk with Him, more things that are not of Him will start to come off. I pray for deliverance of old bad habits, bad associations, and past harmful relationships. Please stand with me in prayer, as I make this public declaration to have a more consistent prayer life and a better relationship with God Almighty.

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