Be Careful What You Ask For, You Just Might Get It c2-head***

Be Careful What You Ask For, You Just Might Get It

by Stephanie Page
(Minneapolis, MN.)

We have all heard that saying, be careful what you ask for. I can picture my mother, brows raised looking at me out of the corner of her eye admonishing me to be careful because you never know what you might get.

I guess the Israelites could have used a mom around to raise her eyebrows at them back in the days of Moses. I am looking specifically at what went wrong when God told them to head into the promised land, a land he had said he would give them. A land that he had dried up the Red Sea to bring them to. The land he had in mind when he protected them from the front and behind. He being God. The one who had rescued them from slavery.

Yet the Israelites, like us, had a short memory and they let fear get the best of them. In Deuteronomy 1:27 they declare "The Lord hates us, so he brought us out of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us." Does anyone else see the foolishness of this statement? The Lord hates us? How do yo figure? Because he rescued you, protected you, and is now about to give you a land flowing with milk, honey and everything you could want?

So often we too are like the Israelites. We want a way out of our present circumstances, we ask for God's best in our life and so he begins to work. He takes us out of our "Egypt" whatever it may be. He works in our lives, does miracles, provides for us, leads and guides us. Then it is time for us to step into what he has for us and maybe the way he is wanting us to move into his best for us, doesn't look like how we envisioned. There He is saying here it is, my best for you! Take the first step, I am with you- remember how I have worked on your behalf? I am not finished yet! Let's do this!

What do we say? I am scared. I want to go back. What have you done? This isn't what I had in mind. I want what is safe. Comfortable. Easy. Even if it does mean I am enslaved, at least there I knew what to expect. At least there wasn't the fear of the unknown.

We like the Israelites would rather sit in slavery and misery than humble ourselves and step out in faith to follow God.

Well, we should be careful what we ask for. The Israelites decided that God would have showed his love for them by leaving them in Egypyt and so God gave them what they wanted. Deuteronomy 1:40 says, "But as for you, turn around and set out toward the desert along the route of the Red Sea" In other words? Go back to where you came from. It is what you wanted, isn't it?

So the question posed for you and I today is this, will we walk into the promised land and trust God? Or will we stay in the "comfort" and "safety" of the desert following our own way.

I don't know about you, but I think I am going to keep moving forward, one step at a time, following the one who brought me through my Red Sea and who will bring me right into the Promised Land.

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by: Anonymous

When I first read this, i was thinking about the career change I am about to make with my husband. Then after reading the comments I see that I too complain a lot. I struggle with inner-fears and sadness from my past mistakes. That is my lack in faith. I also see now that I will trust in one area of my life but not the other.

So Relevant NEW
by: Anonymous

I had not thought about that in the way you presented it. I read the Bible several times a week, watch and listen to Christian programming, and try to live a God-honoring life. However, I have noticed a struggle in my attitude, and too much complaining on my part. It is easy to see the error of the Israelites, and I know we go back to sin and complain as much as they did, but I had not thought that my fears, depression, anxiety, complaining, etc. was basically the same sinful lack of faith that the Israelites showed during those times.

i ask god what he wanted for me to do NEW
by: Anonymous

i was haviing a affiar with aman i had knowned for years and taking care of my ederdly grandmother i was torn completely in half then one night on the way too see my affair i prayed god help me im so confused he answered my pray but not the way i wanted it ,he had my gradmother taken away by relitives and forbiddien to see her til she died , but through that i began too see were i was wrong on both sides i married my affair and began a new life . in which he has contiued to show me were iwas wrong and have learnt from them he has blessed me witha wonderful daughter i wanted for years i was 40 when god finallyedd said ok today i have gave my life to christ and continue to grow and learn from my past and present i have alot to learn and work on yet but i have rpented for my sin , i thank god for the opertunity to wake me up to the path iwas on

i ask god what he wanted for me to do NEW
by: Anonymous

i was haviing a affiar with aman i had knowned for years and taking care of my ederdly grandmother i was torn completely in half then one night on the way too see my affair i prayed god help me im so confused he answered my pray but not the way i wanted it ,he had my gradmother taken away by relitives and forbiddien to see her til she died , but through that i began too see were i was wrong on both sides i married my affair and began a new life . in which he has contiued to show me were iwas wrong and have learnt from them he has blessed me witha wonderful daughter i wanted for years i was 40 when god finallyedd said ok today i have gave my life to christ and continue to grow and learn from my past and present i have alot to learn and work on yet but i have rpented for my sin , i thank god for the opertunity to wake me up to the path iwas on

i ask god what he wanted for me to do NEW
by: Anonymous

i was haviing a affiar with aman i had knowned for years and taking care of my ederdly grandmother i was torn completely in half then one night on the way too see my affair i prayed god help me im so confused he answered my pray but not the way i wanted it ,he had my gradmother taken away by relitives and forbiddien to see her til she died , but through that i began too see were i was wrong on both sides i married my affair and began a new life . in which he has contiued to show me were iwas wrong and have learnt from them he has blessed me witha wonderful daughter i wanted for years i was 40 when god finallyedd said ok today i have gave my life to christ and continue to grow and learn from my past and present i have alot to learn and work on yet but i have rpented for my sin , i thank god for the opertunity to wake me up to the path iwas on

Wow! NEW
by: Donna S.

This lesson is God's confirmation of His work in my life. Working as a nurse, I had little time for my family. I asked God to provide time for me to have more quality time with my elderly parents, my young adult children, and my husband. After four years of a very successful employment, I had a sudden downward spiral in my job and was fired. The MONTH after the termination, my parents (both of them) had to have 24 hour care. I now have quality time with my parents, my husband and daughters are there with physical and emotional support. God loves me, this I know!

Waiting on God NEW
by: Ladybug

This lesson BLESSED my spirit! My husband
and I have been trying to figure out our next move for our family. We don't know if we should stay in our current city or move to a new city and state. They both have pros and cons. But reading this lesson just reassured me that if we want something just ask but be prepared to hit the ground running once God opens that door. I told my husband that we needed to really fast and pray about this situation and just wait on God to give us the answer. I was reading Proverbs 16:9 today and it said "We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our foot steps" So this message was right on time for me! Ladies please be encouraged and just wait on God. But just know "Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it"!

Be blessed :)

Confirmation from the father NEW
by: Anonymous

I WILL LIFT FOR YOU AND YOUR MOVE. My husband and I have also been looking for help from the father so that we can have the same schedule and recently he answered it after much lifting together. It was amazing. both of us working at this new place with the same schedule, but like you we were afraid. Afraid of the unknown, but your B. study called "Be careful what you wish for" really spoke to me and gave me another confirmation. I am so excited. I believe we are to do this and this is yet another confirmation. Thank you for writing this. May he bless your move.

Trust in God's good plan for my life NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much ladies. I will be moving to Minneapolis, MN if my husband is offered a better job. We should find out today if it's a go. Then we would begin our move on June 26th to arrive in the city on June 28th. At this point we have no place to move into. We don't really have the credit housing managers look for since we are young and haven't built credit. We want to move into the nicest place we can afford since our first baby will be born in late October. I have two relatives near the cities :) . I will likely be able to stay with them as we continue to search, if we do not have a lease to sign on June 28th. However staying with relatives would not be ideal because we have to return the moving truck on the 29th which means moving everything and spending money on a rental truck again. Another thing I am nervous about is finding a church family. We are looking for a marriage class in particular. The church we attend in KY has a really nice sunday school class for married couples. It is so helpful and God centered. It almost seems foolish to make a big move in a week, but it is small enough for God to handle. This move is what we have been asking God for. The reason why this move is what we desire so greatly at this time in our lives is the maternity options offered in MN along with personal preferences. Please pray for me and my family's faith in this likely transition, that unlike the Isrealites we would not want to turn back if things look scary. I noticed you are from Minneapolis, MN. If you don't mind me asking, where do you go to church? If you have information about churches in the area or places to live or anything else that would be a blessing. My e-mail address is Hope to hear from you.

by: Anonymous

I really love this! My hubby and I stepped into the role of youth pastors two years ago, we wanted GOd to use us. Last August he got hit with Multiple sclerosis, while I was 7 months pregnant with our sencond child. He was not able to move for a week. I asked God why? I knew he was wanting to work in our lives, but I didnt understand why this happened or what it had to do with it. Then I realized, we got to high and mighty and we were living for US again,as we all know, God is a jealous God! So I believe he was knocking us back a few steps, and were going through this so that we can add to our already astonishing testimony! We have recently stepped down as leaders, youth pastors, and have moved to a different location. Our spirits were STARVING! My GOd, how he has showed up and showed out!! I am no longer starving for the word, im full, i have peace andjoy like NEVER before!! God is so good! So, yes, be careful what you ask for!! We wanted more, and now...its on its way! yes, it came with some storms, but...we made it through them and were coming out ready for whatever he has for us!!!

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