Bible Study on Sarah c2-head***

Bible Study on Sarah

by Denise M

In our Bible study on Sarah, we talked about the spiritual legacy that Sarah left for us as women of God. Here is Denise's response to this free lesson.

1. Have you ever caught yourself beginning to blame God for a particular situation? If so, why?
I can not remember a time were I have blamed God, because I know and believe that things happen for a reason.

2. What do you think the significance was of God changing Sarai's name to Sarah?
I believe that God changed Sarai's name to Sarah,was that she was being called to a higher calling in her life. as was her husband.

3. Were you surprise by Sarah's imperfections? Why do you think God never glosses over people's missteps in the Bible?
I was not surprised by her imperfections, because Sarah was human. I believe that the reason God does not gloss over peoples misstteps, was to show us that He can and will change us, that there is no limit for God. Also, to show us that, he still loves us and as his hands on us at all times.

4. Like the women in the Bible, what spiritual legacy would you like to leave for the future generations of women in your family?
The one legacy, that i would like to leave for generations in my family, is that no matter how hard life and situations may become, We still need to pray and believe and know that God is there and that he has his hands on us and that all things are possible through him.

Want to learn more about Sarah's journey from fear to faith? Read The Hem's free Virtuous Women of the Bible Study on Sarah.

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