God's Grace c2-head***

God's Grace

by Anonymous

Have you received God's grace? Do you feel forgiven for your past sins? In our Bible lesson on Receiving God's Forgiveness we talked about why Satan does not want us to feel forgiven and truly experience God's unyielding grace.

Here is one heartfelt response to this lesson.

1. Before this forgiveness Bible study, did you feel pure of heart? Why or why not?

Before this study, no I didn't feel pure of heart. I felt that I had sinned so greatly that I couldn't be forgiven.

2. Are there areas in your own life where you still feel tormented by past sins, or even recent slips?

Yes memories of my old chaotic life torment me. I can feel Satan trying to keep the hold he had on me, but I am praying that he will finally realize that I am on God's team now, that his efforts are going to be futile, and I will defeat him!!!!!!!

Optional Activity: Write down all of the past sins that torment you on a piece of paper. Fold the paper in half, and pray over it. Take them to God's throne and ask God one last time to take them away. Ask Him for the strength not to fall back into them, but to release them forever. Then, believe that He has answered your prayer. And destroy the paper. Rip it up. Shred it. Burn it. Flush it. Just be rid of it forever!

I will do this activity, and God bless Ameerah for making this wonderful site!!!

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