Let the Word of God Talk to YOU Above All Other Voices: Here's Why... c2-head***

Let the Word of God Talk to YOU Above All Other Voices: Here's Why...

by Minister Marlene Taylor
(New York, USA)

The word of God in the Bible is alive. It is the book of the living God. I just want to encourage, inspire and admonish you today. Please continually read, meditate, pray with and through the word of God. Immerse yourself daily in the refreshing waters of the word of God. Yes, the word of God in the Bible is living water that washes you with truth. No other book written by man holds within it's pages spiritual substance. Even this very article I'm writing now, is void of the wealth and riches of spirit which flows through every verse within the word of God.

The Word of God is One of Man's Greatest Blessings...

The priceless word of God is one of the greatest blessings given to us on earth. Let, Jehovah God be the author you seek out above all others. The word of God comes to us straight from the very throne-room of God. Within it's pages heaven is revealed. In fact, you may enter the very gates of heaven when your feet run with diligence to give full attention to scripture. The word of God was written by the author of all authors, the King of all Kings, the Father of all Fathers.

My encouragements to you today and everyday is that you cherish the word of God. Hold the word of God as most dear to your heart. Set it far above all other books. Read you must for knowledge is good, but temper and understand all knowledge as it agrees with God's word.

God's Precious Promises are Found Only in His Word

The word of God in the Bible,lays out the rules, regulations and responsibilities that are pertinent for every precious and beloved member of the Kingdom. Not only that, God's promises are contained within it. Our Lord and divine King has written his word for his family. No other written work by any other person, whether saved or in bondage, has the ability to build you up spiritually and physically. No other book has the ability to give you an inheritance worth more than Gold.

To Know God is to Love Him...

The word of God meets every single need. If you are determined to grow in grace, truth and Godliness, give attention to the study of the word of God. If you wish to discover all the wonderful riches you've been blessed with and attain them actively in your life, simply turn to the word of God. Study of the word changes foul attitudes, softens the hearts of men and overcomes any problem. God's thoughts become our own, when we give attention to meditating and study of His word. Even when prayers seemingly go unanswered, we find great comfort in the word of God, knowing that an answer to prayer is upon the horizon. How does one fall in love with God? I always say: " to know God is to love him ". Even so, there is also a love at first sight with God. Look up at the clouds, the sky and sun. Tell me, what you feel. The awe and admiration you feel upon seeing God's awesome creations adrift in the sky, is akin to love at first sight.

As a New Born Babe We Grow to Love God By His Words...

When we first repent, receive Christ Jesus believing on his name, at that point we are introduced to the Father of all who believe. This is a brand new relationship. Does a baby immediately love their parents? No, love grows! In this same way, love for God and the things of God grow as we study the word of God in the Bible. The time you spend engaging your eyes, ears, mind, heart and soul in meditation on the word, should equal to your desire to know Him. So, if 10 minutes is all you can spare, what then? Attention to the word of God needs to be the #1 daily task on your to-do list. After all, it is God who empowers you to fulfill your daily tasks.

Attention to Studying the word of God is a Choice...

It's important to remember that when some of us were in the word we used to party all night. Not only did we party but we were on a job the next day. If we were not one to party, then something else caught our diligent attention. Perhaps a hobby, boyfriend, girlfriend or family responsibilities were our main focus. Whatever the case, reading and meditation on the word of God is the choice before you now. It is up to you to make the choice of putting God first in your life. No devil in hell can stop you from picking up your Bible. If by some chance you fall into the trap of believing the devil can stop you from loving God enough to read His word, then as someone wise once shared, you will have to wait for the devil to allow you to study the word. I can't deny the fact that the devil will afflict God's people. But from experience, I can see that the devil is too often blamed for choices we have the power to make. Those who love God and seek to know how to love God, read and study the word of God with serious diligence. Let's look at Romans 8:38:

Romans 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

My Last Words to You Concerning The Word of God...

My last words to you concerning the word of God are these: " let the word of God talk to you, above all who speak". Neither your pastor, or your minister, Bishop or Bible teacher knows you inside and out. The one who knows you inside and out personally, is the God who created you. Jehovah God can address every minute detail of your life and needs. Go always to the source and creator of every man woman and child. God is our Father and has known us even before birth. Spend most of your time in the word of God as opposed to any other book. Yes, we do read but temper and compare all to the word of God. Let us look now at what has been said about God's word in Proverbs 6:22:

Proverbs 6:22-23 When though goest, it shall lead thee, when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.

Let God talk to you directly through His word. Have you ever experienced hearing a scripture in your spirit that applied perfectly to a situation you were in, or to a person you were speaking with? Yes, I believe we all have and this type of Godly communication comes to us more and more as we study and meditate on God's word. Surely, we all desire to hear God in this manner more and more.

Action Step: My greatest desire and prayer for you is that you deepen your relationship with God through his word. Tonight, before you go to bed get your Bible and place it near. Also, get a notebook and pen and lay it beside your Bible. When you awaken tomorrow morning, move from your bed to your knees. Grab your Bible and pen. Pray and then begin your study of the word. Set yourself up so that you can arise early enough to spend quality time with our Father in heaven. Soon this will become a habit. You may not feel like doing this and it's understandable for the flesh is sometimes weak but our spirits are willing. But as I shared, we all make choices in this life, and we all have the power to do as we have planned. May the Lord God keep you strong and anchored in His word.

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