My Lamentation of Love! c2-head***

My Lamentation of Love!

by Olusegun Mokuolu

This is a generation that loves to be married
But hates to sacrifice
Thrilled by engagement ring
But trample upon the word of God

Wants faithfulness and loyalty
But engages in sex before marriage
Speaks love all the time
But selfish all the time

A people that loves wedding
But clueless in marriage
They only know love by feeling
And not by doing

They seek love wherever it can be found
But are not prepared to give love
Knows so much about sex
But little or nothing about marriage

Talks so much about God
But never allow God in their relationships
Quick to kiss and caress
Slow to repent and forgive

Women seeking Godly men
But themselves living in ungodliness
Men seeking perfect women
But themselves full of imperfections

A generation that spend fortune on outward beauty
But remain internally corrupt
Long hours making hair
Yet finds no time for God’s word

Men who are babies
Crying always for handouts
They treasure their cars
But cannot care for a woman

Too quick to take off their cloths
Ashamed to take away their lies and deceit
Speaks so much of the opposite sex
Prays so little for the opposite sex

Oh Lord, give us a new heart
That we might love in spirit and in truth
That we might love with the whole of our soul
With the whole of our heart and strength

That we might honour you
And glorify you in our relationships
Then we can build our homes on solid rock
Jesus Christ. Amen

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Aug 09, 2019
Thought provoking
by: Tim

Thank you for this. The part of getting deep into prayer resonated with me. I too grew up a Christian but wasn't truly leaning on God. Now I am and it is a whole different experience.

Sep 07, 2016
A very inspiring insight NEW
by: Litnig

I read your post, and I will admit it spoke to me. On so many levels...
I am on my third marriage...yes third. First marriage, I married because everyone expected me to. Second, I married because she was pregnant and unable to afford benefits. Third, I married because my heart cried out to her...I finally married for love.

Did that solve everything? No. I still had issues I needed to work through. I never physically cheated on her, but I would take to the internet to meet some deep needs. Whether it was to flirt, experiment, or just be a voyeur...all these actions caused a separation between me and my most loved one.

It wasn't until one day I actually saw the pain I was causing. We talked and I confessed...not the gritty details, but of my actions in general. She understandably was devastated. I saw that pain, really saw my wife for maybe the first time in years, and the realization came to me...I did this...I was the reason for all this pain.

The effect of that reawakened in me my desire to BE with my all ways, not just physical. It also made me take notice of that void within me that used to be full that was now almost empty. I began praying again...not just for me, but for my wife...children, parents...many people. I pray for help, I pray for thanks, I just pray more.

I find myself in those brief moments of the day, inwardly talking to God. Does He answer me? I may not hear Him, but I believe He is there...helping me, renewing me, and listening...answering in ways I recognize.

I am becoming more of who I want to be, and who I think He wants me to be.

Thank you!

Dec 30, 2015
You explained me NEW
by: Jonathan

I perceive this to be your personal discussion with God. A beautiful thing. Sort of like anything you would read in the book of Psalms.

I am married today. Even though I always called myself a Child of God I can't help but see similarities. I remember thinking so poorly of myself that I jumped so fast at any opportunity because my flesh would be screaming that I'l never have another chance to be so affectionate with someone like that. The excuses kept rolling in. That skinny. That build. That pretty. Those eyes. That ethnicity and much much darker qualities.

The crazy thing was I began my relationship seeking to be everyone's perfect man. When I began to portray that man to the best of my ability I noticed that many of the young women distanced themselves because of it. I was weird to them (doesn't the word say we are peculiar.) Oh I was extremely respectful. Learned as much about them as I can. Used some of my writing gifts to write them poems defining their beauty... Whatever... And the more I did the more they squished away.

I was lost. I'm thinking "well when I first approached they were interested but they left me hanging for Bud the gangster from up the street!" So I saw how Bud treated woman and mimicked it, sort of.

In secular ways I wasn't nowhere as good as Bud. But I was able to attract women longer at least.

Except it wasn't fulfilling. I had an original idea that I should find a woman get to know her and seek to marry one day. Somehow who I was changed. I just wanted to "experience".

I had to re learn who I was. And it took a God fearing woman to come into my life for me to see myself again.

3 years in August I will be married. And I don't care about experiences anymore. That makes some of my past upset. But I only care about her.

Aug 31, 2015
I believe your NEW
by: Anonymous

I believe your articles are very insightful and so much informational, yet very easy to read and understand. I am sure your articles will be helpful to everyone.
Statuses on love

Jul 15, 2012
Well put
by: Greg Gustin

Very nice, when I began to read this, I almost left as I saw no scripture in it. After reading it though I will dig deeper into this study. Thank you

Mar 26, 2012
God is in control

WOW, is all i can say, truely my brother in christ i loved it, will continue to follow your ministry, please allow GOD to continue usuing you, and please keep self out of the way.

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