Obedience, health, and health. c2-head***

Obedience, health, and health.

by Toni Peinado
(New Mexico)

This is my finishing year. I have great ideas and I'm great at starting but horrible at the finish. This year I'm committing to apply to write for Hem of His Garment. I've known for decades, (literally decades), that God has called me to be a writer. I've let every excuse the evil one has provided to not write. No more!

I'm committing to eat healthy and exercise to get this body in His order, and I'm committing to getting my home organized. Both of these will be one small step at a time. For my body, I'm starting with planned meals and snacks, then I'll move to drinking ONLY water, then no surgar, and so on. I'll exercise by starting to walk 15 minutes a day working up to 30 minutes, etc.
For my home, on the first, I gathered all my piles of paper and put them into a folder and got it filed away with a master list. Great start. I'll continue cleaning and organizing one room at a time. Of course none of this will happened until I sit each morning with my Lord and Savior getting His directions. 😊

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