Recently Married c2-head***

Recently Married

by Hanna Grace

A Little Bit About Me.
My name is Hanna Grace and I am 42 years old and recently married 5 months. We moved from America to China. My husband was a virgin when we married, at age 40.

Chris-teachers, we both love Father and highly reverence Him. I was previously married and divorced more than seven yrs.

I have a grown up. We have a fairly good marriage but I get upset and fuss at him for everything. There is no gile found in him seriously speaking.

What I would like to discuss:
How not to let the things he does get to me. I want to change my thinking and be joyful. Daily I experience so much divine favor in most areas in my life and for those I seek Father for, why not in this?

Comments for Recently Married

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Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Good students attend classes regularly. They come to class with writers enthusiasm and energy. They attend classes with some learning objective which they are aimed to achieve at the end of lecture.

Re-married-re-located transitional and frustrating phase.
by: Rosie

After a phase of more than 14 years single mom of a 20 year old lady and was very independant, i just remarried and relocated to a very drastic and different area. Although my husband is a very good man, he works most of the time we moved to his location and changes of culture being a minority,and adjusting to another brand new life i seem to be very intolerant and mood variable.Have been looking for a job for 3 months now(being unsuccesful) and although independency is my big issue because now i depend on him not just economically but he has started to limit me to continue my education.
I love my husband but habits and lifestyle changes are getting on my nerves very often now.
Habits from personal, social, health and i miss the woman i became to be once not too long ago.

Keep heart!
by: YSIC

Remember that as things bother you that your husband is your gift from God. God loves you and has known from the day that you were born that you would be here at this time going through this difficulty. When I am upset with my husband and the storm has died down, I realize that my Lord was in the boat with me and I never trusted him. I have learned that when I am annoyed or bothered, the lesson is there to teach me, and believed you me, that some are so very difficult to see and understand. Keep praying and I will keep you for the next seven days on my calendar to pray for you. Your sister in Christ.

This may help
by: Ameerah

Hi Hanna,

I think whenever we first get married, the transitional phase is one of the most difficult.

You talked about God's divine favor, and asked why you are not experiencing it in this area. I think one thing to remember is that this area is a bit different. This has to do with you carnal nature that "wants things the way that YOU want them."

Marriage is the ultimate blow to the flesh! Why? Because, in our own minds, we are always right. If we didn't think that what we were thinking was right...then we wouldn't be thinking it.

So, when we are in a position where we are constantly faced with another human being who does things differently than we would have done it, our flesh jumps up and says "Their Doing It WRONG!"

Because I have a rather strong personality, I had a similar issue for the first few years of my marriage.

Here are 2 things that I used to combat the issue:

1. You renew your mind with God's Word so that His Spirit rules your thoughts and not your flesh.

2. You commit to not speak about anything negative to your husband until you take it to God first. Make the commitment aloud to God and ask Him to convict your heart any time you speak without asking Him first. The more you hold your tongue, you are telling your flesh who is in control. If you pray first, God will often tell you why you are out of line, and stop you before you even get started.

You will also want to visit the Christian marriage Bible study. LaWanda's lessons are a great way to renew your mind to God's way of thinking about marriage.

God Bless!

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