The Change IS Coming…FOCUSED (Part Six) c2-head***

The Change IS Coming…FOCUSED (Part Six)

by Alissa Griffith
(Pittsburgh, PA)

We are one body in Christ - Unified in Him together!

We are one body in Christ - Unified in Him together!

Part Seven in the Change Series

Welcome to part five of the Change series… as stated in the last lesson, each week, I will leave you with a nugget from the lessons and may it help you. FOCUSED stands for: Faithful – Occupy – Commitment – Unified – Steadfast –Encouraged and Determined. This alone should help you understand how we must be so that we can live for Christ as He has called us to be.

Today’s topic is Unified!!

Unity in the community has been spoken for years. there are many times we see the unity in the world, we see it during tragedies such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and situations such as 9/11 terrorists attacks. We see this unity during the holiday seasons as people come together to spread good cheer but unity in the body of Christ is more than that, it is a unity that will last for all eternity.

Being unified in Christ is mentioned in the bible, both in the Old and New Testaments

Psalm 133:1 (NKJV) - Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Ephesians 4:4-5 (NKJV) - There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism;

Psalm 133:1 speaks of how good it is for us to unite together. We are to rejoice together, encourage each other, uplift each other and help each other as God directs as we are one body in Christ.

What does this have to do with faith? When we are unified with other believers we receive the encouragement, love and caring which increases our faith in the Lord. It is the unified way with others when we hear testimonies of the goodness of Jesus that encourages us to hold on, it is all in the pan of the Lord.

I have come to rely on the Lord to send people my way to help me stay on the right path. I have found that He will send someone with a story, a word of encouragement at the perfect timing. When we keep our minds on Jesus, we will find that being unified in the body of Christ is a joy and encouraging to our faith.

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