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Science proves that the more God-made foods you eat, the healthier you will be.
On the other hand, The more man-made foods that you eat, the more likely you are to have sickness and disease running rampant in your body.
Why is this?
When God designed man, the Bible says that we were "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). Out of His abounding love, God also created an earth for us to dwell upon, "And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food" (Genesis 2:9).
Every day, scientists are discovering more and more reasons why the fruits and vegetables God created are indeed "good for food" (Genesis 2:9). They are constantly finding a new trace-mineral or phytonutrient that decreases the chances of cancer or helps to eliminate anxiety.
That's because, in His infinite wisdom, God uniquely programmed the foods He made for you with a variety of nutrients that your body needs to flourish.
But, every day, scientists are also discovering carcinogens and toxins that the Standard American Diet (SAD) releases into our bodies. They tell us that the chemicals we have created as preservatives are toxic. That the refined white sugar and white flour that we eat every day is the cause of many of our diseases.
But, why should that surprise us?
God made the machine. It only makes sense that the fuel He created makes it run the best!
Many Christians do not realize that the foods they eat can open the door for Satan to sow sickness and disease into their bodies.
One huge part of embracing your
divine health is embracing Bible nutrition, and eating things that are
as close to what God originally created as possible. Walking
in God's wisdom in what you eat creates an atmosphere for health and
healing in your body.
We look to God's Word for answers to our other life questions. Why not consult the Bible on Nutrition?
Do you not know that
your body is the temple (the very sanctuary)
of the Holy Spirit Who
lives within you,
Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God...
So then, honor God and bring glory to Him
in your
-1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (AMP)
What if you walked into your church this Sunday morning, and, as you approached, you noticed that there was a bit of litter scattered outside.
Then, once you went inside the sanctuary, you found that there was actually trash thrown everywhere.
In the walk way. On the pews. Even on the altar!
How outraged would you feel, knowing that the house of the Most High God had been trashed?
But, your body is the real temple of the Living God. And, what do you put into God's temple on a daily basis?
Why does it matter?
Because there are life giving foods, and there are life stealing foods. If you are filling God's temple with life stealing foods, how will you ever be strong enough to really allow God to live through you? To touch the world through you? To change lives through you?
Your health is not just for you. It is for those that God needs you to touch. You are His hands and His feet (1 Corinthians 12:12). God wants you well, but you still have to do your part.
Nutrition Bible Study
Reflection Questions:
By now, I hope you are convinced of the importance of Bible nutrition. But, you may be wondering how to distinguish between life giving foods, and life stealing foods. In your next lesson, you will learn how to choose Bible foods.
1: Is
Christian Nutrition
the Missing
Piece to Your Healing Puzzle? Lesson 2: Bible Nutrition: Creating an Atmosphere for healing Lesson 3: Choosing Bible Foods Can Save Your Life |
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