Choosing Bible Foods:
God's Way of Eating Can Save Your Life!

Put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony. ~Proverbs 23:2

Choosing Bible Foods- Woman biting a tomatoScience is always one step behind God. Discovering the value of Bible foods is no different. 

Over the last decade, the foods that we eat have dominated the headlines. 

 Everywhere we look, we're reading about how the things  we eat can either save our lives, or steal them.

Of course, God already knew this.  That's why He left instructions in the Bible for what foods we should enjoy, and which ones we should avoid.

The one question we are all left with is, do we follow our Bibles, or our stomaches?   

So, What Are The Bible Foods
That You Should Be Eating?

To uncover the Bible foods that God has instructed us to eat, we will have to travel back in time.  Back to what is referred to as the Levetical Law of the Old Testament.

Now, many Christians have abandoned all of the dietary regulations of the Old Testament, assuming that they were all under the law, and that Jesus had wiped them away.  But, these dietary regulations are not in Exodus where the law was described along with its blessings and curses.  

God's dietary rules written in Leviticus were not created to restrict us, but to keep us healthy. 

You see, God knew which of the animals He had made fit for you to  eat, and which ones He intended for other purposes.  

Let's look at a Bible foods example:

Among the animals, whatever divides the hoof, 
having cloven hooves and chewing the cud—that you may eat.
Nevertheless these you shall not eat among those that chew the cud 
or those that have cloven hooves: 

the camel, the rock hyrax, the hare,
and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, 
yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. 
-  Leviticus 11:3-8 (NKJV)

God knew when He made pigs (swine), that they do not "chew the cud."  That means that, unlike a cow, a pig only digests its food once. 

A cow, on the other hand, puts their food through two digestive steps.  Once they digest it the first time, the partially digested food (cud) is regurgitated to be chewed and digest a second time.  God knows that animals that do this will not only provide you with more nutrients, but less toxins that can harm your body.

It's no wonder why nutritionists have said that pork is not good for you.  But, God's Word said it first Bible study online Christian smiley

Want another Bible foods example?  

'These you may eat of all that are in the water: 
whatever in the water has fins and scales, 
whether in the seas or in the rivers—that you may eat.  
But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, 
all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, 
they are an abomination to you.
-  Leviticus 11:9-10 (NKJV)

Let's look at catfish.  They do live in the water, but they do not have scales. 

Scales are a part of the defense system that God gave to the fish He specifically designed for eating.  Science tells us that a fish's scales protect them from disease and infection.  

Without this vital part, God says that these fish are not fit for human consumption.  Shell fish like shrimp and lobster also fall into this category.

As we can see with just these two Bible food examples, your Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, knows which foods are not fit for you to eat.  And, in His infinite love for you, He shared that wisdom in His Word. 

When you embrace eating God's way, your body is able to restore itself with foods that heal, instead of being torn down by foods that kill.

If God is speaking to you about eating according to His divine plan, a book that I learned a lot about Bible foods from is The Maker's Diet. It's written by a Christian who battled with his health for years, until God showed him His way of caring for our bodies.  He has especially designed a 40 day plan for Christians who want to use God's wisdom to regain control over their health, and their stomaches.  

Speaking of out-of-control stomaches...

Gluttony - The Forgotten Sin

Bible foods- woman eating candyDid you know that I used to be a glutton?

Oh yeah.  It's true!  

I would not tolerate sins like drunkenness, and would pray for smokers who were abusing their temples. 

And yet, I didn't seem to have any problem with gluttony.

I abandoned the Bible foods that God Himself created, and indulged my flesh's desires for unhealthy man-made foods that God never intended for my body.  I would even eat to the point of stomach pain and heart burn - clear signs of overindulgence. 

It is as if gluttony was not one of the seven deadly sins.  But, had somehow become the acceptable one.  

What is gluttony?

The word gluttony comes from the Latin word gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow.   The Greek word often translated as glutton in the Bible is phagos, which means to be given to eating.

Quite literally, a glutton is anyone who overindulges their flesh's desire for food.

Gluttony is a type of lust.  But, instead of the object of desire being a person, it's food.  Either way, God considers it sin.

As Christians, we are committing the sin of gluttony any time we over eat.  


Because we are feeding our flesh, instead of forcing it into submission. 

When we allow our flesh to dictate what we eat instead of God, why wouldn't that be considered sin?

What does the Bible say about gluttony?

Here are a few scriptures to give you God's perspective on overindulging your flesh's desire for food.

Do not join those who drink too much wine 
or gorge themselves on meat, 
for drunkards and gluttons become poor,
and drowsiness
clothes them in rags. 
-Proverbs 23:20-21

He who keeps the law is a discerning son, 
but a companion of gluttons disgraces his father.
-Proverbs 28:7

Put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony. 
-Proverbs 23:2

Bible Foods Bible Study
Reflection Questions

  1. Have you ever heard of the Levetical dietary laws? Do you think that they are still valid today?  Why or why not?

  2. Were you surprised to learn about why God said we should not eat certain foods?

  3. Do you think you have been guilty of gluttony in the past?  If so, what will you do in the future to safeguard yourself again it?

God's Word says that "any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin" (James 4:17 AMP).  

Well, now you know what the Bible says about foods.  You know that God really does care what you put in your mouth.  He cares because the food choices that you make can restore your health or destroy it.

Jesus came so that you could have life more abundantly (John 10:10).  But, you get to choose how abundant that life really is.

Fighting In Both Realms: Christian Nutrition Bible Study
Lesson 1: Is Christian Nutrition the Missing Piece to Your Healing Puzzle?
Lesson 2: Bible Nutrition: Creating an Atmosphere for healing
Lesson 3: Choosing Bible Foods Can Save Your Life

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Learn To Eat God's Way!

The Maker's Diet: The 40-day Health Experience That Will Change Your Life Forever
By Jordan S. Rubin
N.M.D., Ph.D.
57147: The Maker"s Diet: The 40-day Health Experience That Will Change Your Life Forever

After winning his battle with debilitating Crohn's disease, Rubin has devoted his life to developing natural ways to overcome illness. Offering a new perspective on well-being, he examines historically healthy cultures; diet secrets and nutrition principles, including sources of whole foods that heal; and fitness protocols needed to restore and maintain strength and energy.

The Maker's Diet Shopper's Guide: Meal plans for 40 days, shopping lists, recipes
By Jordan S. Rubin
N.M.D., Ph.D.
56210: The Maker"s Diet Shopper"s Guide: Meal plans for 40 days, shopping lists, recipes

The Maker's Diet Shopper's Guide is your companion resource to the book, The Maker's Diet. In it author Jordan Rubin gives you the nuts-and-bolts details you need to succeed. The guide features meal plans for 40 days, delicious, tasty recipes, and shopping lists.

The Maker's Diet: Day-by-Day Journal
By Jordan S. Rubin
N.M.D., Ph.D.

56205: The Maker"s Diet: Day-by-Day Journal

Designed to be small and portable and the perfect size to slip in your purse or pocket. The Maker's Diet: Day-by-Day Journal will enable you to keep track of your meals and exercise as you:
  • Document your hygiene, meals, and snacks
  • Start each day with a helpful quote from The Maker's Diet
  • Are encouraged with Scripture and morning and evening prayers
  • Get motivated with a fitness section and exercise charts